Actividades l?dicas para fortalecer el equilibrio en infantes de 4 a 5 a?os, paralelo ?D? del CEI ?Rita Ch?vez de Mu?oz?, Cuenca-Ecuador


Guachichullca Asmal, Paola Liseth; Lata Dumaguala, Ver?nica Isabel

El Trabajo de Integraci?n Curricular ?Actividades l?dicas para fortalecer el equilibrio en infantes de 4 a 5 a?os, paralelo ?D? del CEI ?Rita Ch?vez de Mu?oz?, Cuenca-Ecuador? surge en base a lo observado en las pr?cticas pre- profesionales en el Subnivel Inicial 2, paralelo ?D?, jornada matutina, donde se evidenci? que los infantes presentaban dificultades al momento de realizar actividades de motricidad gruesa, espec?ficamente en el ?rea del equilibrio. Fue por ello que se plante? como objetivo general proponer actividades l?dicas mediante una cartilla que fortalezca el equilibrio en los infantes. Esta investigaci?n se fundament? en la pedagog?a constructivista de Vigotsky y mediante los fundamentos te?ricos de diversos autores, quienes dan a conocer que, al trabajar el equilibrio desde la primera infancia, ayuda a que los infantes sean personas aut?nomas, interact?en con sus pares y desarrollen sus capacidades motrices. Para el marco metodol?gico se trabaj? con el paradigma socio-cr?tico, el enfoque cualitativo, la investigaci?n aplicada y la metodolog?a Investigaci?n-Acci?n; luego se estableci? la categor?a principal de estudio: Fortalecimiento del equilibrio, la misma que se analiz? en el diagn?stico; las t?cnicas utilizadas fueron la entrevista y la observaci?n participante; se utiliz? instrumentos como la gu?a de entrevista, diario de campo y la lista de cotejo, los cuales brindaron informaci?n relevante para realizar el an?lisis. En base a los resultados se dise?? la propuesta: cartilla ?Explorando los movimientos de mi cuerpo?, en la implementaci?n se motiv? a los infantes para que participen en las actividades l?dicas y logren controlar sus movimientos corporales; en la evaluaci?n se vio grandes resultados, con relaci?n al equilibrio est?tico del diagn?stico (mantener una posici?n fija por 10 segundos), ya que la mayor?a de infantes lograron tener mayor control de sus movimientos (mantenerse est?ticos por 25 segundos); en el equilibrio din?mico se pudo ver cambios notorios ya que en la fase diagn?stica, los infantes al realizar las actividades tambaleaban y se ca?an constantemente; en la fase de evaluaci?n se observ? seguridad, lograron mantener su equilibrio en desplazamientos y con obst?culos. Finalmente, la propuesta implementada fue de gran ayuda, puesto que se logr? cumplir con el objetivo propuesto.
The Curricular Integration Work "Playful activities to strengthen balance in infants from 4 to 5 years old, parallel "D" of the CEI "Rita Ch?vez de Mu?oz", Cuenca-Ecuador" arises based on what was observed in the pre-professional practices in the Sub-Level Initial 2, parallel "D", morning session, where it was evidenced that the infants presented difficulties when performing gross motor activities, specifically in the area of balance. It was for this reason that the general objective was to propose playful activities through a booklet that strengthens balance in infants. This research was based on Vigotsky's constructivist pedagogy and on the theoretical foundations of several authors, who show that working on balance from early childhood helps infants to become autonomous individuals, interact with their peers and develop their motor skills. For the methodological framework we worked with the socio-critical paradigm, the qualitative approach, applied research and the Research-Action methodology; then the main category of study was established: Strengthening of balance, the same that was analyzed in the diagnosis; the techniques used were the interview and participant observation; instruments such as the interview guide, field diary and checklist were used, which provided relevant information for the analysis. Based on the results, the proposal was designed: In the implementation of the proposal, the infants were motivated to participate in the play activities and to control their body movements; the evaluation showed great results in relation to the static equilibrium of the diagnosis (maintaining a fixed position for 10 seconds), since most of the infants were able to have greater control of their movements (remaining static for 25 seconds); In the dynamic balance, noticeable changes could be seen, since in the diagnostic phase, the infants were constantly wobbling and falling during the activities; in the evaluation phase, safety was observed, and they were able to maintain their balance when moving around and with obstacles. Finally, the proposal implemented was of great help, since the proposed objective was achieved.

Publication Year
Motricidad gruesa
Actividades l?dicas
Gross motor skills
Play activities
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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