Escuela para padres: co-formaci?n para acompa?ar el desarrollo emocional infantil en estudiantes de 4 a?os de la U.E ?Herlinda Toral?


Carchi G?mez, Valeria Patricia; Gonz?lez Miranda, Amy Anahi

Esta investigaci?n contribuy? al desarrollo emocional infantil a trav?s de un espacio de coformaci?n dirigido a los representantes. El objetivo principal fue desarrollar una escuela para padres a trav?s de talleres virtuales que permitan promover el desarrollo emocional en ni?os y ni?as de 4 a 5 a?os de la Unidad Educativa ?Herlinda Toral? Cuenca-Ecuador. Para mejor comprensi?n procedimos a realizar una revisi?n te?rica que nos permiti? conocer el tema a profundidad contrastando diferentes autores como Goleman, Shapiro, Bisquerra y Havinghurst. La metodolog?a parte desde un paradigma sociocr?tico, tiene un enfoque cualitativo, es de tipo descriptivo y de campo, como m?todo utilizamos la investigaci?n-acci?n. Las t?cnicas utilizadas fueron la observaci?n participante, la entrevista y el test psicom?trico. Los instrumentos empleados fueron la gu?a de observaci?n, entrevista y el test PERVALEX, estos fueron aplicados a los infantes y la docente del nivel inicial 2. Dentro de los principales resultados obtuvimos que, la mayor?a de los infantes presentaron las capacidades de expresar y percibir emociones, sin embargo, no mostraron la habilidad de valorarlas. Por ello, dise?amos y aplicamos una escuela para padres denominada ?NaturEm: Conociendo las emociones? con la finalidad de apoyar el desarrollo emocional. Finalmente, pudimos concluir que mediante un programa de co-formacion para padres logramos educar a la familia para convertirlos en agentes activos en el desarrollo emocional de los peque?os.
This study contributed to the emotional development of children through a space of co-training directed to the representatives. The main objective was to develop a school for parents through virtual workshops that promote emotional development in children from 4 to 5 years old of first child education "Herlinda Toral" Cuenca-Ecuador. For a better understanding, we proceeded to conduct a theoretical review that allowed us to know the subject in depth, contrasting different authors such as Goleman, Shapiro, Bisquerra and Havinghurst. The methodology is based on a socio-critical paradigm, has a qualitative approach, is descriptive and field-based, and we used action research as a method. The techniques used were participant observation, interviews and psychometric testing. The instruments used were the observation guide, the interview and the PERVALEX test, these were applied to the infants and the teacher of the initial level 2. Among the main results, we obtained that most of the infants presented the ability to express and perceive emotions, however, they did not show the ability to evaluate them. For this reason, wedesigned and applied a school for parents called "NaturEm: Knowing emotions" in order to support emotional development. Finally, we were able to conclude that through a co-training program for parents we were able to educate the family to become active agents in the emotional development of the children.

Publication Year
Educaci?n familiar
Taller de formaci?n
Training workshop
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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